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    • The Candida Panel measures levels of IgG, IgA and IgM antibodies to Candida plus Candida antigen in a blood sample.  Measurement of Candida antigen in blood indicates widespread infection, which can occur in immunocompromised individuals.


    • Symptoms associated with Candida overgrowth include:

    • clouded thinking
    • depression
    • diarrhea
    • fatigue
    • menstrual pain
    • vaginal yeast infections
    • headaches


    • This Test package includes 15 minute initial naturopathic online consultation and the test requisition form
    • This package does not include the follow up consultation

    Candida Profile

    • Test requisition form will be sent to the patient after the initial online consultation. Patient will be asked to visit the nearest lab for sample collection. Patient will be contacted once the test result becomes available.

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